Who's Better at Shameless Promotion: Jennifer Lopez or Gwen Stefani?

(Getty and Bauer Griffin)

Gwen shops Target in the spotlight. (Bauer Griffin)
Celebrity endorsement and licensing deals are no new thing, but sometimes, the marketing involved with these lucrative side projects can be a bit jarring. There's a limit to how much product placement an audience will accept before they start seeing it as shameless promotion, as evidenced by Jennifer Lopez's Fiat-sponsored performance at the American Music Awards on Sunday.

Jennifer spent a good chunk of her performance singing to a taped track from the front seat of a Fiata car which, given her very visible preference for Bentleys, she would obviously never drive. While most viewers commented on how spectacular Ms. Lopez looked in her nude sequined jumpsuit (a look previously sported by both Britney Spears and Pink), others wondered what was up with the car.

Fiat also played a role in Lopez's last music video. (Getty)
Meanwhile, Jennifer's colleague in pop, licensing deals, and cosmetic contracts, Gwen Stefani, took a very different approach when promoting her line of children's clothing for Target last week. While Stefani somehow managed to avoid performing at the AMAs decked out in a cow-themed hoodie, she did make a very public trip to Target with her two little boys in tow. Neither of the boys wore items from her Harajuku Mini line, but she was sure to hold up a frilly skirt for a photographer! to see upon checkout.

Oh Gwen, so smooth! There was also a fascinating series of photos of Gwen attempting to eat without ruining her lipstick.

See more Jennifer Lopez photos:
