Video Evidence That No Doubt Is Back In The Recording Studio! (VIDEO)
No Doubt are back in the recording studio, we die!
Since discovering a recent video of No Doubt together in the recording studio on Gwen Stefani's Twitter, we've been having a "David After Dentist" moment. "Is this real life?!" After the announcement that the band was postponing their reunion project for a bit, we were skeptical about it ever happening. But this short video clip proves that it's on! BRB, hyperventilating the lyrics of "Spiderweb" into a paper bag. #NODOUBT4EVER
Watch a video of No Doubt in the recording studio after the jump.
While Gwen's short video offers little in the visual department -- we catch a close-up of the always gorg Gwen, a quick spin around the recording studio and a glimpse of bassist Tony Kanal -- we're actually freaking out about what we're hearing. The duo seem to be working on an 80's-like pop beat a la Gwen's Love. Angel. Music. Baby. We're reeeally hoping it's a new song off the impending album -- OR ELSE.
+ Watch a video of No Doubt in the recording studio.
Photo credit: Getty Images
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Tags Gwen Stefani, No Doubt